Tatton National Park

Tatton National Park


Temperature: The average temperature throughout the year is 27.60 degrees Celsius. The month with the highest temperature is April with a temperature of 42.60 degrees Celsius, and the month with the lowest temperature is January with a low of 7 degrees Celsius.

Average rainfall: 270.50 millimeters per year 

Distance: Round trip distance is approximately 18 kilometers

Elevation: Highest point is at 945 meters above sea level

Porter: Not Available


  • By car

    From the city of Chaiyaphum, take Highway 2051 to the national park office, which is 20 kilometers away 

  • By bus

    Chaiyaphum-Tha Hin Ngom route, passing through the toll booth, then walk another 1.5 kilometers to the national park office


  • Phone: 0 4410 4002 

  • Email: tatton_np@hotmail.com 

  • Facebook: Tatton National Park

  • National Park Head: Mr. Naphong Phurakachat 

    • Position: Specialized Forestry Officer  

Operating hours: 08:30 - 18:30

Peak Height

945 m


1.5 km


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