Doi-Luang National Park

Doi-Luang National Park


Temperature: The average temperature throughout the year is approximately 34.9 degrees Celsius. During the winter months of December-January, the average temperature ranges between 12 degrees Celsius

Average rainfall: 1,743.9 millimeters per year 

Distance: Round trip distance is approximately 9.2 kilometers

Elevation: Highest point is at 1,694 meters above sea level

Restroom: Available


  • Car

    • Route 1: From Chiang Rai District, follow Chiang Rai-Phayao Road to Pu Kang Village, 56 kilometers, turn right into the village and Doi Luang Park, 9.5 kilometers to Pu Kang Waterfall 

    • Route 2: From Phayao District, follow Chiang Rai-Phayao Road to Pu Kang Village, 40 kilometers, turn left into the village and Doi Luang Park, 9.5 kilometers to Pu Kang Waterfall

  • Plane: From Chiang Mai airport, take a taxi to the park or rent a car with driver


  • Phone: 081 960 2456 (Tourism information, accommodation booking)

  • Email:

  • Facebook: Doi-Luang National Park

  • Head of the National Park: Mr. Nopporn Pratumheang

    • Position: Expert Forestry Specialist

Operating hours: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Image reference:

Peak Height

1,694 m


9.2 km


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